Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Internet and Search Engine cannot be separated

Salam sejahtera.. Salam 1 Malaysia! :)

I will talk about something that everyone knows, something that everyone is using, something that very close to us these days..


What is Internet? 
  • A global collection of network.
  • The network of networks.
  • Combination of networks that carry various information and services

To connect to the Internet, one has to go through Internet Service Provider or ISP like TM and TIME.
The connection can be made via :

  • Dial-up
  • Landline
  • T-lines
  • WiFi/WiMAX
  • Satellite
  • Cell phones

Internet Protocol (IP)
- every machine on Internet has a unique identifying number - IP adress.
- IP is a language used by computers to communicate.


With the existence of the Internet, things are getting easier. Web browser and search engine are something that cannot be separated when it comes to the Internet and connection. 

Web browser is a software application to display and interact with something and located on a web page at a website. Many of you, I believe, know that there are so many things that you can do with web browser. And one of the most important things that you used it for is to search for information, images or anything with the search engine. 

To make thing easier, there are certain things that you need to know about search engine

This website is informative for those who want to learn the tips, tricks and techniques of using search engine to get to the result that you want! 

So... GOOD LUCK!! ^^

footnote : this information on this post is taken from lecture notes that have been written by me during the lecture. 
image from google.


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